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   We all rely on energy, lots of it, to power our current lifestyles. At this time, most of our energy is coming from fossil fuels and the extracting, processing, and burning of it is leading to a host of environmental problems, most notably a buildup of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that is causing the warming of our planet.  The latest report by the International Panel on Climate Change made it clear that there is no more time for inaction. A reduction in greenhouse gasses must happen now.  Luckily, there are solutions. Both transitioning to clean energy sources and reducing our consumption by purchasing more efficient appliances and implementing other conservation measures has the potential to quickly reduce global emissions.   


Did you know?


  • The average electric vehicle will save you $8000 compared to gas powered car over the first 200,000 miles in fuel and maintenance costs

  • Over 50% of Idaho Power’s electricity comes from what clean energy* and is getting cleaner every year.

  • Energy Star rated appliances are widely available and save between 10-50% on operating costs over their lifetime. 

  • Blaine County, Bellevue, Hailey, and Ketchum have all signed on to achieve 100% Clean Electricity community-wide by 2035

  • Idaho Power offers incentives to homeowners who want to upgrade to more efficient lighting and heating and weatherize their home to reduce energy costs. They have a program specifically designed to support lower income families.

  • Energy Star estimates show that the average building can lower it's energy consumption by 10-20% by sealing leaks


*existing hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass


What you can do?

  • Buy an electric vehicle

  • Upgrade your lighting and weatherize your home. Call Idaho Power to schedule an audit to Identify opportunities to reduce energy use, save money, and do your part to reduce emissions. This is free for low income families

  • Seal leaks around windows and doors to lower heating and cooling costs. 

  • Get involved. Let your city and county representatives know that you care about the climate and want them to meet their clean energy goals. 

  • Get involved. Let Idaho Power know that you want them to move up their clean electricity commitment to 2035



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