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The Climate Action Coalition of the Wood River Valley (CAC) started as a "grass-roots" group of concerned citizens, in Hailey, working to develop community awareness and action to focus on the imminent threat of climate change. The CAC continues, as a strictly grass-roots organization, to have neither a board nor a bank account. Through sponsoring events, building coalitions, and personal actions, the CAC has provided a voice and the opportunity to combat the fear, frustration, and feelings of helplessness many citizens are experiencing due to accelerating climate change. Our current Focus/Action Groups each began with one or more members identifying an area of personal concern and then finding other community or group members to work with them.  We’ve found that members with ideas have been the beginning of all of our efforts. Now Valley-wide, CAC represents citizens from the entire Wood River Valley​​.

Erin (Bostrom) Howland _ Folklife Fair 10-2021 copy II.jpg
July 4, 2019-Scott's Truck.jpg
July 4, 2019, Parade - Hailey
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Working with student activists:
Strike Rally
Sept. 20, 2019 - Hailey
Candidate Meet & Greet 10-7-2019 _edited
Candidate "Meet & Greet,"
Oct. 7, 2019, Jhony's - Hailey
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Local Climate Hero:
Park & Ride cleam-up 4-20-2019.jpeg
Rob Lonning, Elizabeth Jeffrey, Jeff Anderton providing recycling education at Hailey Park & Ride-April 20, 2019
Bins for recycling 9-21-2019.jpg
Recycling-Hispanic Heritage Celebration
Hailey, Sept. 21, 2019
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Local Climate Hero:
Santos Serva - "The Hailey CoffeeCo."
Summer, 2020 - Hailey
Working with "W.A.T.E.R." Club:
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
The Senior Connection
Summer, 2020 - Hailey
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Strive for '35 Poster - Fall, 2020
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Bus Signs - Mtn. Rides - Summer, 2021
Erin (Bostrom) Howland _ Folklife Fair 10-2021.jpeg
Folklife Fair - Oct. 2021
McKercher Park - Hailey
Fall Gathering - Sept. 2021 - ERC- Ketchum
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Recycling Cardboard at Hailey Park and Ride
January 2022
Dreamers - Hailey Park & Ride.jpeg
Dreamers - Hailey Park & Ride - Feb. 2022
Earth Day Fest
Kiwanis Park at Balmoral - April 2022
Scott R., Start of 5K.jpeg
Earth Day Fest
Hailey Town Center - April 2022
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