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Over-reliance on single occupant vehicle travel and failing to prioritize other modes of transportation is having a profound impact on the health of our planet and the health of our citizens.  The following are alternatives we each need to consider:


  • Drive less

Consider alternatives to driving alone in your car; walking, biking, carpooling, or taking the bus.


Plan ahead for shopping and errands by "trip chaining." Planning your route and stops wisely to drive the least number of miles to include multiple errands will save you gas, money and emissions.


Whenever possible, park your car and walk the necessary distance between errands rather than driving and parking again.


  • Drive better  

Turn off your car engine if you will be stopped (except in traffic) for more than 10 seconds.


Modern cars do not need to be warmed up more than 10 seconds before driving.  Even in the winter.


Cut out "lead foot" driving and save gas and emissions.  "Jack rabbit" starts and sudden stops use more gas and wear out your brakes faster.


  • Drive the right vehicle for the purpose

If your family has more than one car, plan on driving the right car for the trip.  Use your higher gas mileage commuter car for light loads and one passenger travel instead of the heavy duty hauling vehicle.


If you’re buying a new or used car, look for an electric or hybrid vehicle to cut your emissions even further. 


Although electricity produces emissions, our local electricity is nearly 50% clean, renewable energy. No gasoline or diesel fuel is clean or renewable.


  • Fly less

When two or more people are taking a trip, consider taking a car instead of flying.  A car that gets over 40 miles/gallon does better than a flight for two.  A car that gets more than 30 miles/gallon does better than a flight for 3.


Take non-stop flights if possible.  Take off and landings produce the most emissions.


Heavier planes require more gas than lighter planes. If every passenger packed one less pair of shoes on a flight – averaging 2 lb. each – the plane could save the equivalent fuel of 10,000 cars on the road. Pack light.

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