Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Strike Rally-Sept. 20, 2019 - Hailey
Strike Rally-Sept. 20, 2019 - Hailey
Julia Jacobo - December 1, 2020
Before you do anything else, sign up for Idaho Power’s Green Power Program (Now called “Clean Energy Your Way”).
• It’s clean energy. It’s voluntary. It’s an easy way to make the world a little greener.
• One dollar buys 100 kilowatt hours (k Wh) of certified green power, delivered to the region's power grid.
• It’s an addition to your monthly bill and you can cancel at any time.
Here are some Federal Clean Energy Tax Credits
• New Electric Vehicle $7,500
• Used Electric Vehicle $4,000
• Electric Vehicle Charger 30% up to $1,000
• Heat Pump 30% up to $2,000
• Heat Pump Water Heater 30% up to $2,000
• Geothermal Heating 30% of Cost
• Electric Panel $800
• Solar Installation. 30% of Cost
• Battery Storage Installation. 30% of Cost
• Efficient Heating Equipment. 30% up to $600
• Efficient Water Heating Equipment. 30% up to $600
• Weatherization Costs - Windows, Doors, & Insulation. 10% with caps
The tax credits are administered by the IRS. You can claim the credit using: Form 5695
Local Energy Saving Opportunities with Idaho Power
Idaho Power offers a home energy audit for $99 for all electric homes and $149 for gas. These audits find areas of concern and will suggest ways to improve the efficiency, comfort, and health of a home. You might choose to install the following, at no extra cost.
• Up to 20 LED lights
• One high efficiency shower head
• Pipe wrap from water heater to house wall
Idaho Power also offers cash incentives for new energy saving equipment and services for qualifying homes.
• Central Air Conditioner. $50-$150
• Ducted Air and Water-Source Heat Pumps. $250-$,1000
• Ductless Heat Pumps. $750
• Ground Source Heat Pump. $1,000-$3,000
• Hybrid Heat Pump Water Heater. $300
• Evaporative Cooler. $150
• Whole House Fans. $200
• Smart Thermostat. $75