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The transition to no plastics in this shower took about 1 year as there were so many products hanging around that had been tried and abandoned with their plastic bottles still loitering in the shower.  It took a while to use them up and then try out some new replacements.


The Challenge – Begin the process of replacing all the plastic in your bathroom by replacing your current, plastic-heavy products with some better sustainable products and packaging. (Always use up what you have already purchased or donate it to The Advocates.  You can donate if your containers are mostly full and you want to make the shift more quickly.)


Reducing plastics in the bathroom is simpler than you might think. If we all take the effort to reduce, refill, recycle and return even one more bathroom product, potentially millions of bottles can be diverted from landfills and oceans. Don’t bottle it in the bathroom.

To help get you started, here are some ideas for replacing single use plastic items that are commonly used in bathrooms with eco-friendly alternatives.

Bar soap

A great alternative to liquid soaps that comes in single-use plastic dispensers. Bar soap can also be used to replace body wash and even replace shaving creams. If you just can’t live without liquid hand soap, there are refillable options that have bulk in non-plastic containers.

Shampoo and Conditioner bars

There are good shampoo and conditioner bars which are a great way to avoid using the single use plastic dispensers that they generally come in. Or, if you travel to Boise, Root Zero in Garden City offers shampoos in bulk so you can refill your own bottle.  

Shower Curtains

Instead of getting shower curtains with plastic liners that contribute to your plastic problems, you can replace them with a more sustainable option like hemp, bamboo, or cotton shower curtains that can be thrown into your washing machine instead of the landfill. 


Plastic razors can only be used so many times before they add to our mountains of plastic waste. When you switch to a bamboo or metal razor, you only replace the blades when needed vs the entire plastic body. 

Dental Hygiene

In the US, over a billion toothbrushes are thrown out each year. When it’s time, replace your plastic toothbrush for a recyclable alternative. Bamboo  is a recyclable option that biodegrades easily. (ask your dentist to offer plastic alternative toothbrushes when they give you a new one at your next check-up.)  

Alternatives to plastic packaged toothpaste include chewable pill- sized toothpaste, tooth powder and even your own home made alternative! 


Deodorant is another common plastic item that people go through quickly. Switch to deodorant that comes in a cardboard tube or glass container. 

Toilet paper

Purchase toilet paper rolls that aren’t wrapped in plastic. This is a great thing to ask your local store manager to consider stocking in your favorite store.  Currently you can order a variety of paper wrapped and recycled TP online and some local stores stock 7th Generation that typically comes in paper.

Bathroom Cleaners

Advertisers would have you believe that there is some magic in their plastic bottled cleaning product but from the cleaning spray for your mirror and fixtures to the many options for tile and shower grout, an old-fashioned cleaning powder or your own home-made cleaners with vinegar, baking soda, and an old toothbrush and cloth rags can do the job without a single plastic bottle needed.

While we all want to do what we can to go plastic free, we also need to call on our leaders to require producers to take responsibility for the waste their products create and write to our favorite brands to ask for better non-plastic packaging and products. 


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