Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Intersectional Environmentalism Mural
Jane's Artifacts, Fall, 2020 - Hailey
Strike Rally-Sept. 20, 2019 - Hailey
Strike Rally-Sept. 20, 2019 - Hailey
Julia Jacobo - December 1, 2020
Electrify the Wood River Valley:
Save money, improve health and reduce emissions
When: Thursday, November 16th, 5:30-7:00 PM
Where: Community Library, 415 Spruce Avenue North, Ketchum
Who: Organized by the Climate Action Coalition of the Wood River Valley
Looking for cost effective ways to move away from fossil fuels? Losing sleep over your carbon footprint, but don’t know how to lower it? Confused by new technology and available tax credits and rebates?
Come join us for a panel discussion with early adopters and local experts to learn how you can take steps towards a cleaner more efficient home and access the tax credits and rebates to make it affordable. All are welcome! (Renters, Home Owners, Builders, Service Providers, any and all!)
Moderator: Scott Runkel: SV Community School Science Teacher/Sustainability Coordinator, and Climate Action Coalition member.
● John Reuter: Owner Greenworks; green building consultant/solar installer
● Elizabeth Jeffrey: Climate Action Coalition founder; electrification early adopter
● Bill Harvey: Power plant engineer and electrification early adopter
● Mitch Long: Retired emergency physician. Electrification early adopter
Bill Harvey is an avid power plant engineer and a guest professor at the Iceland School of Energy. He relies on assets such as Canopy Climate and local Climate Action Coalition members as guides for the electrification strategy for his townhouse in Woodside.
Elizabeth Jeffrey is a local environmental advocate. She is a founder of the Climate Action Coalition and a co-leader of the County Circular Economy Task Force in addition to designing and updating her high efficiency, solar powered house in Hailey.
John Reuter is a local green building consultant and solar installer. His consulting business, Greenworks, provides energy consulting on the majority of new local homes. His solar business, Bluebird Solar has installed 200 solar PV systems in the wood river valley. He lives in Hailey in a net zero, 100% electric home that he designed.
Mitch Long is a longtime environmental advocate and Executive Committee member of Idaho Sierra Club. He recently renovated his house to convert it to an all-electric home that is more energy efficient.